We investigated the effects of the transverse components of a tendon core suture on tensile resistance and strength of 4-strand repairs. Forty-four pig flexor tendons were repaired with one of the following four methods: double Tsuge, U-shaped, 4-strand cross and 4-strand rectangular repairs. We recorded the number of the repaired tendons that formed a 2 mm gap between the tendon ends during cyclic loading for 20 cycles, stiffness of the tendon at the 1st and 20th cycle, gap distance at the repair site and ultimate strength of the repair at the 20th cycle. When transverse components were added to the core suture, a greater number of tendons formed a 2 mm gap during cyclic loading. The stiffness gradually decreased, and the repair site's gap distance after cyclic loading increased with the presence of transverse components of the sutures. We conclude that the core suture's transverse components negatively impact the tensile resistance of 4-strand tendon repairs.
Keywords: Tendon repair; cyclic loading; gap resistance; longitudinal component; multi-strand repair; tensile strength; transverse component.