1 From the Department of Neurology (A.M., S.D., L.A.B., M.J.R.), Department of Pediatrics, Division of Immunology (P.Y.L.), Department of Psychiatry (M.J.R., P.Y.L.), and Department of Radiology (M.J.R., P.Y.L.), Boston Children's Hospital; and Departments of Neurology (L.A.B., M.J.R., P.Y.L.) and Pediatrics (P.Y.L.), Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
2 From the Department of Neurology (A.M., S.D., L.A.B., M.J.R.), Department of Pediatrics, Division of Immunology (P.Y.L.), Department of Psychiatry (M.J.R., P.Y.L.), and Department of Radiology (M.J.R., P.Y.L.), Boston Children's Hospital; and Departments of Neurology (L.A.B., M.J.R., P.Y.L.) and Pediatrics (P.Y.L.), Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. [email protected].