Clinical trials are carried out to prove the safety and effectiveness of new interventions and therapies. As diseases and their causes continue to become more specific, so do inclusion and exclusion criteria for trials. Patient recruitment has always been a challenge, but with medical progress, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve the necessary number of cases. In Germany, the Medical Informatics Initiative is planning to use the central application and registration office to conduct feasibility analyses at an early stage and thus to identify suitable project partners. This approach aims to technically adapt/integrate the envisioned infrastructure in such a way that it can be used for trial case number estimation for the planning of multicenter clinical trials. We have developed a fully automated solution called APERITIF that can identify the number of eligible patients based on free-text eligibility criteria, taking into account the MII core data set and based on the FHIR standard. The evaluation showed a precision of 62.64 % for inclusion criteria and a precision of 66.45 % for exclusion criteria.
Keywords: CQL; FHIR; NLP; clinical trials; patient recruitment.