Introduction: The prediction of the fluorescent effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) in patients with diffuse gliomas can improve the selection of patients. The degree of enhancement of gliomas has been reported to predict 5-ALA fluorescence, while, at the same time, rarer cases of fluorescence have been described in non-enhancing gliomas. Perfusion studies, in particular arterial spin labeling perfusion, have demonstrated high efficiency in determining the degree of malignancy of brain gliomas and may be better for predicting fluorescence than contrast enhancement. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between tumor blood flow, measured by ASL, and intraoperative fluorescent glow of gliomas of different grades.
Materials and methods: Tumoral blood flow was assessed in 75 patients by pCASL (pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling) within 1 week prior to surgery. In all cases of tumor removal, 5-ALA had been administered preoperatively. Maximum values of tumoral blood flow (TBF max) were measured, and normalized tumor blood flow (nTBF) was calculated.
Results: A total of 76% of patients had significant contrast enhancement, while 24% were non-enhancing. The histopathology revealed 17 WHO grade II gliomas, 12 WHO grade III gliomas and 46 glioblastomas. Overall, there was a relationship between the degree of intraoperative tumor fluorescence and ASL-TBF (Rs = 0.28, p = 0.02 or the TBF; Rs = 0.34, p = 0.003 for nTBF). Non-enhancing gliomas were fluorescent in 9/18 patients, with nTBF in fluorescent gliomas being 54.58 ± 32.34 mL/100 mg/s and in non-fluorescent gliomas being 52.99 ± 53.61 mL/100 g/s (p > 0.05). Enhancing gliomas were fluorescent in 53/57 patients, with nTBF being 170.17 ± 107.65 mL/100 g/s in fluorescent and 165.52 ± 141.71 in non-fluorescent gliomas (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Tumoral blood flow levels measured by non-contrast ASL perfusion method predict the fluorescence by 5-ALA; however, the additional value beyond contrast enhancement is not clear. ASL is, however, useful in cases with contraindication to contrast.
Keywords: ASL perfusion; fluorescence; glioma; tumor blood flow.