Purpose of review: Update on antigen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in type 1 diabetes (T1D) with focus on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-induced immunization and the current obstacles to further research and clinical realization.
Recent findings: In T1D, immune system imbalances together with malfunctioning islet-specific processes cause autoreactive immune cells to destroy beta cells in the islets. ASIT may restore self-tolerance; however, the approach has yet to fully meet its promise and may require co-administration of antigen (preproinsulin) and suitable immune response modifiers.
Summary: A self-tolerant immune system may be regained using ASIT where T effector cells are repressed and/or T regulatory cells are induced. Administration of exogenous antigens has been safe in T1D. Conversely, adequate and lasting beta cell preservation has yet to be tested in sufficiently large clinical trials in suitable patients and may require targeting of multiple parts of the immunopathophysiology using combination therapies. DNA-based induction of native antigen expression to ensure important posttranscriptional modifications and presentation to the immune system together with tolerance-enhancing immune response modifiers (i.e., cytokines) may be more efficacious than exogenous antigens given alone. Progress is limited mainly by the scarcity of validated biomarkers to track the effects of ASIT in T1D.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.