FeTe1-xSex, a promising layered material used to realize Majorana zero modes, has attracted enormous attention in recent years. Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) are the routine growth methods used to prepare FeTe1-xSex thin films. However, both methods require high-vacuum conditions and polished crystalline substrates, which hinder the exploration of the topological superconductivity and related nanodevices of this material. Here we demonstrate the growth of the ultrathin FeTe1-xSex superconductor by a facile, atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The composition and thickness of the two-dimensional (2D) FeTe1-xSex nanosheets are well controlled by tuning the experimental conditions. The as-prepared FeTe0.8Se0.2 nanosheet exhibits an onset superconducting transition temperature of 12.4 K, proving its high quality. Our work offers an effective strategy for preparing the ultrathin FeTe1-xSex superconductor, which could become a promising platform for further study of the unconventional superconductivity in the FeTe1-xSex system.
Keywords: FeTe1−xSex; chemical vapor deposition; iron-based superconductor.