Projection of neurones in Forel's field H (FFH) to the mesencephalon, the lower brainstem, and the upper cervical spinal cord (C1) was investigated by threshold mapping for evoking antidromic spikes from these areas. Projections of all FFH neurones tested were ipsilateral. Two main types (Type I and II) and their subtypes were differentiated from the pattern of the trajectories. Type Ia FFH neurones were found to project primarily to the oculomotor nucleus (IIIn) and the periaqueductal gray (PAG) bud did not descend down to the medulla, while Type Ib neurones projected to IIIn, PAG and the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (NRG) and Type Ic projected further down to the C1. Type II neurones were characterized by the absence of collaterals to IIIn. Type IIb projected to the cuneiform, subcuneiform and red nuclei in the mesencephalon and to the NRG, while Type IIc projected further down to the spinal cord. Type IIa neurones which terminated rostral to the NRG were found only rarely. These results suggested that Type Ib and Ic neurones are involved in the control of synergic eye and head movements, while Type IIb, IIc and Ia neurones are specified for the independent control of head and eye movement.