Cervical tissue biopsies from fifteen pregnant women who were seeking a second trimester elective abortion were examined before and after sulprostone systemic administration, to evaluate the hystological and ultrastructural modifications. While light microscopy showed an increase in vascularity and a submucosal edema with an infiltration of inflammatory cells, electron microscopy pointed out a complete dissociation of collagen fibers with a large increase of basic substance constituents. These features are similar to modifications found in the ripening process at term, demonstrating that sulprostone can be useful to prime uterine cervix.
PIP: Light and electron microscopy of cervical biopsies from 15 women having 2nd trimester abortions with cervical dilatation induced by the PGE2 derivative Sulprostone were observed for structural analogies with normal term delivery. The women received in injections of Sulprostone 500 mcg every 3 hours, 2 mg maximum. Biopsies were taken at 0, 3, and 6 hours. Hematoxylin stained light microscopic sections showed a process of edema and leukocytic infiltration, primarily PMN leukocytes and eosinophils. Collagen fibers became dissociated. Under electron microscopy, collagen fibers began to lose cross-bands, and an increase in basic ground substance was apparent. Fibroblasts developed vesicles close to the cell membrane, and increased numbers of ribosomes, mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum, but few lysosomes and Golgi. The picture of collagen restructuring in these midtrimester biopsies during Sulprostone treatment resembled human and animal changes documented at term.