Pancoast's syndrome and subclavian arteritis are rarely caused by Aspergillus sp. . Here we report a case of a 22-yr-old, immunocompetent male who presented with fever, weight loss, right-sided facial anhidrosis and hand weakness of six months duration. Neurological examination confirmed right Horner's syndrome and weakness of small muscles of right hand. Contrast MRI of neck and chest revealed a pleural-based right apical mass abutting subclavian artery and C8-T1 root and multiple enlarged lymph nodes. He developed right hemiataxia due to cerebellar infarct before the planned excision of mass. Surgical exploration showed abscess encasing subclavian artery. Biopsy of the mass resulted in accidental injury of subclavian artery which was repaired. He developed bleeding from suture site postoperatively due pseudo-aneurysm of the subclavian artery which was stented. Histopathology of mass was suggestive of Aspergillus sp. . He was successfully treated with voriconazole. This is probably the first report of Pancoast's syndrome and large vessel angiitis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus which has been successfully managed.
Keywords: Angioinvasive aspergillosis; Immunocompetent host; Pancoast syndrome; Posterior circulation stroke; Pseudo-aneurysm; Subclavian arteritis.
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