Three cyanobutadiene isomers have been synthesized and their rotational spectra analyzed in the 130-375 GHz frequency range. These species, which are close analogues of known interstellar molecules and are isomers of the heterocyclic aromatic molecule pyridine (C5H5N), offer the opportunity of revealing important insights concerning the chemistry in astronomical environments. The s-trans conformers of E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene and Z-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene are observed, while both the anti-clinal and syn-periplanar conformers of 4-cyano-1,2-butadiene are evident in the rotational spectra. Over 1000 transitions for s-trans-Z-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene and for syn-periplanar-4-cyano-1,2-butadiene are fit to an octic, distorted-rotor Hamiltonian with low uncertainty (<50 kHz). Although neither s-trans-E-1-cyano-1,3-butadiene nor anti-clinal-4-cyano-1,2-butadiene can be fully treated with a distorted-rotor Hamiltonian in this frequency range, we provide herein minimally perturbed, single-state least-squares fits of over 1000 transitions for each species, yielding sets of spectroscopic constants that are expected to enable accurate prediction of high-intensity transitions at frequencies up to 370 GHz for both isomers. The assigned transitions and spectroscopic constants for these cyanobutadienes have already enabled the identification of two isomers in harsh reaction environments and should be sufficient to enable their identification in astronomical environments by radio astronomy.