Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are a promising cell source for regeneration of dental pulp. Migration is a key event but influence of the microenvironment rigidity (5 kPa at the center of dental pulp to 20 GPa for the dentin) is largely unknown. Mechanical signals are transmitted from the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton, to the nuclei, and to the chromatin, potentially regulating gene expression. To identify the microenvironmental influence on migration, we analyzed motility on PDMS substrates with stiffness increasing from 1.5 kPa up to 2.5 MPa. We found that migration speed slightly increases as substrate stiffness decreases in correlation with decreasing focal adhesion size. Motility is relatively insensitive to substrate stiffness, even on a bi-rigidity PDMS substrate where DPSCs migrate without preferential direction. Migration is independent of both myosin II activity and YAP translocation after myosin II inhibition. Additionally, inhibition of Arp2/3 complex leads to significant speed decrease for all rigidities, suggesting contribution of the lamellipodia in the migration. Interestingly, the chromatin architecture remains stable after a 7-days exposure on the PDMS substrates for all rigidity. To design scaffold mimicking dental pulp environment, similar DPSCs migration for all rigidity, leaves field open to choose this mechanical parameter.
Keywords: Arp2/3; Chromatin organization; DPSCs; Migration; Myosin II; Substrate stiffness; YAP.
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