Protective behavioural strategies (PBS) for drinking are behaviours that individuals engage in to reduce the amount they drink and drinking-related consequences. To date, little is known about associations that PBS might have with other risky behaviours that frequently coincide with drinking, such as gambling. The goal of this study was to examine the associations between three subscales of the Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale (PBSS) and gambling consequences in a college sample of gamblers who also met criteria for alcohol or drug abuse. We hypothesized that engaging in more drinking PBS would be associated with lower levels of gambling consequences. A sample of 316 students (55% female) completed an online survey and met criteria for problematic gambling behaviour (3 or more on the South Oaks Gambling Screen and 1 or more consequences on the Gambling Problem Index). Those endorsing a higher score on the Serious Harm Reduction subscale (but not the Stopping or Limiting Drinking or Manner of Drinking subscales) showed a lower level of lifetime gambling consequences, suggesting a crossover effect. Strategies to reduce serious harm represent a treatment target that could potentially reduce negative consequences associated with both drinking and gambling.
Keywords: college students; gambling; protective behavioural strategies.