Complete genome sequence of serotype 3 Streptococcus suis INT-01, isolated from a domestic pig in Korea

J Anim Sci Technol. 2021 May;63(3):662-665. doi: 10.5187/jast.2021.e47. Epub 2021 May 31.


Streptococcus suis is a major pig pathogen causing severe economic losses to the swine industry. This study aimed to analyze the genome of S. suis strain INT-01 isolated from a domestic pig in Korea. We found that the genome of strain INT-01 contains 2,092,054 bp, with a guanine (G) + cytosine (C) content of 41.3%, and the capsular polysaccharide synthesis locus of this strain is almost identical to that of serotype 3 S. suis strain 4961 isolated from China, suggesting that these isolates can be classified as serotype 3. Genomic analyses revealed that strain INT-01 is an extracellular protein factor (epf)-/ muraminidase-released protein (mrp)+/ suilysin (sly)- S. suis, which is the most prevalent genotype in Korea, and several virulence-related genes associated with the pathogenicity of S. suis were also detected. The genomic information of strain INT-01 may provide important insights into the development of control strategies against S. suis infections in Korea.

Keywords: Control strategy; Genotype; Pathogen; Streptococcus suis; Swine industry.