The medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee is a commonly injured ligament structure. Calcification of the MCL is very infrequent, benign, related to metabolic disorders and is a consequence of the deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite in the periarticular region. The clinical, histological and radiological picture of calcific tendonitis is defined and the etiology is multifactorial. Treatment is initially conservative and if it fails, interventionist; surgery being the last therapeutic step. There are very few reports in the literature, with only 10 cases/case series published. It is important to differentiate it from the Pellegrini-Stieda sign and/or syndrome, where the traumatic history is essential to diagnose it. The clinical case is that of a 64-year-old woman in whom we present the treatment of calcification of the MCL using radial electro shock wave therapy plus iontophoresis, we report the effectiveness of the treatment in the management of pain and calcification, and we carry out a brief review on the subject.
Keywords: Calcificación; Calcification; Calcifying tendonitis; Electro shock wave therapy; Iontoforesis; Iontophoresis; Ligamento colateral medial; Medial collateral ligament; Ondas de choque; Pellegrini–Stieda sign; Pellegrini–Stieda syndrome; Signo de Pellegrini-Stieda; Síndrome de Pellegrini-Stieda; Tendinitis calcificante.
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