The COrona VIrus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is posing an unprecedented challenge to healthcare systems around the globe. Europe has been struggling for 1 year now, and despite some encouraging progress (above all, the beginning of vaccination), the second wave is ongoing. Even though children are less affected than adults, the COVID-19 pandemic-and in particular the measures to counter it-is having a considerable impact on the paediatric healthcare setting. It is, therefore, the duty of paediatric teams in Europe to prepare for the challenges ahead. We wish to contribute to this necessary preparedness in two ways: firstly, by assessing the direct and indirect impact of the pandemic on children and on the paediatric setting; secondly, and more importantly, by identifying the various responsibilities of paediatric healthcare professionals, in light of established ethical principles. Only abiding by these responsibilities will it be possible to ensure that ill children and their families are properly supported even in these difficult times and to grant that decisions about children's healthcare remain morally justified and lawful. What is Known: • The COVID-19 outbreak is posing an unprecedented challenge to healthcare systems around the globe • Despite the children are less affected than adults, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact also on paediatric setting What is New: • The COVID-19 pandemic lays out specific responsibilities of paediatric professionals towards our pa-tients, society and ourselves • The paediatric teams in Europe should assess the direct and indirect impact of the pandemic on the chil-dren and on the paediatric settings, ensuring consistency between centres and across regions in Europe.
Keywords: COVID-19; Ethics; Healthcare professionals’ responsibilities; Neonatology; Paediatrics.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.