Novel compact hard x-ray spectrometer with MCps counting rate capabilities for runaway electron measurements on DIII-D

Rev Sci Instrum. 2021 Apr 1;92(4):043517. doi: 10.1063/5.0043762.


A novel compact spectrometer optimized for the measurement of hard x rays generated by runaway electrons is presented. The detector is designed to be installed in the fan-shaped collimator of the gamma-ray imager diagnostic at the DIII-D tokamak. The spectrometer is based on a 1 × 1 cm2 cerium doped yttrium aluminum perovskite scintillator crystal coupled with a silicon photomultiplier. The detector dynamic energy range is in excess of 10 MeV, with an energy resolution of ∼10% at 661.7 keV. The fast detector signal (≈70 ns full width at half maximum) allows for operation at counting rates in excess of 1 MCps. The gain stability of the system can be monitored in real time using a light-emitting diode embedded in the instrument. The detector is expected to be deployed in the forthcoming DIII-D runaway electron experimental campaign.