Objectives: to analyze the self-management support needs of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: this qualitative research was carried out between September and December 2017 with nine adolescents in the pediatric outpatient clinic of a university hospital and in their homes. The material collected through semi-structured interviews was interpreted by thematic inductive analysis in the light of the healthcare management concept.
Results: adolescents' self-management support needs include longitudinal monitoring by health teams; family support in their training; support from the social network; and a careful look by government officials in the construction of guidelines for dispensing the essential inputs for treatment. However, these needs are not always met satisfactorily, resulting in gaps in this support.
Final considerations: these gaps interfere in resolving health demands. Self-care with fragmented support affects the healthcare management dimensions, making it impossible to meet the uniqueness of adolescents in a comprehensive, expanded and ethical way.