Type 2 immunity, illustrated by T helper 2 lymphocytes (Th2) and downstream cytokines (IL-4, IL-13, IL-31) as well as group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2), is important in host defense and wound healing.1 The hallmark of type 2 inflammation is eosinophilia and/or high IgE counts and is best recognized in atopic diathesis. Persistent eosinophilia, such as seen in hypereosinophilic syndromes, leads to fibrosis and hence therapeutic Type 2 inhibition in fibrotic diseases is of high interest. Furthermore, as demonstrated in cutaneous T cell lymphoma, advanced disease is characterized by Th1 to Th2 switch allowing cancer progression and immunosuppression. Development of targeted monoclonal antibodies against IL-4Rα (eg, dupilumab) led to a paradigm shift for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) and stimulated research to better understand the role of Type 2 inflammation in other skin conditions. In this review, we summarize up to date knowledge on the role of Type 2 inflammation in skin diseases other than AD and highlight whether the use of Type 2 targeted therapies has been documented or is being investigated in clinical trials. This manuscript reviews the role of Type 2 inflammation in dermatitis, neurodermatitis, IgE-mediated dermatoses (eg, bullous pemphigoid, chronic spontaneous urticaria), sclerodermoid conditions and skin neoplasms.
Keywords: Helper T cell; IgE autoantibodies; Type 2 immune response; bullous diseases; chronic pruritus; cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; dermatitis; fibrotic skin diseases.