Extrapulmonary sarcoidosis occurs in 30-50% of cases of sarcoidosis, most often in association with pulmonary involvement, and virtually any organ can be involved. Its incidence depends according to the organs considered, clinical phenotype, and history of sarcoidosis, but also on epidemiological factors like age, sex, geographic ancestry, and socio-professional factors. The presentation, symptomatology, organ dysfunction, severity, and lethal risk vary from and to patient even at the level of the same organ. The presentation may be specific or not, and its occurrence is at variable times in the history of sarcoidosis from initial to delayed. There are schematically two types of presentation, one when pulmonary sarcoidosis is first discovered, the problem is then to detect extrapulmonary localizations and to assess their link with sarcoidosis, while the other presentation is when extrapulmonary manifestations are indicative of the disease with the need to promptly make the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. To improve diagnosis accuracy, extrapulmonary manifestations need to be known and a medical strategy is warranted to avoid both under- and over-diagnosis. An accurate estimation of impairment and risk linked to extrapulmonary sarcoidosis is essential to offer the best treatment. Most frequent extrapulmonary localizations are skin lesions, arthritis, uveitis, peripheral lymphadenopathy, and hepatic involvement. Potentially severe involvement may stem from the heart, nervous system, kidney, eye and larynx. There is a lack of randomized trials to support recommendations which are often derived from what is known for lung sarcoidosis and from the natural history of the disease at the level of the respective organ. The treatment needs to be holistic and personalized, taking into account not only extrapulmonary localizations but also lung involvement, parasarcoidosis syndrome if any, symptoms, quality of life, medical history, drugs contra-indications, and potential adverse events and patient preferences. The treatment is based on the use of anti-sarcoidosis drugs, on treatments related to organ dysfunction and supportive treatments. Multidisciplinary discussions and referral to sarcoidosis centers of excellence may be helpful for difficult diagnosis and treatment decisions.
Keywords: 18FFDG-PET; Diagnosis; Extrapulmonary; Monitoring; Outcome; Sarcoidosis; Treatment.
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