In an era of rapidly expanding knowledge and sub-specialization, it is becoming increasingly common to focus on one organ system. However, the human body is intimately linked, and disease processes affecting one region of the body not uncommonly affect the other organ systems as well. Understanding diseases from a macroscopic perspective, rather than a narrow vantage point, enables efficient and accurate diagnosis. This tenet holds true for diseases affecting both the thoracic and neurologic systems; in isolation, the radiologic appearance of disease in one organ system may be nonspecific, but viewing the pathophysiologic process in both organ systems may markedly narrow the differential considerations, and potentially lead to a definitive diagnosis. In this article, we discuss a variety of disease entities known to affect both the thoracic and neurological systems, either manifesting simultaneously or at different periods of time. Some of these conditions may show neither thoracic nor neurological manifestations. These diseases have been systematically classified into infectious, immune-mediated/ inflammatory, vascular, syndromic/ hereditary and neoplastic disorders. The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms linking both regions and radiologic appearances in both organ systems are discussed. When appropriate, brief clinical and diagnostic information is provided. Ultimately, accurate diagnosis will lead to expedited triage and prompt institution of potentially life-saving treatment for these groups of complex disorders.
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