Both dopamine (DA) loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) and liposomes (Lip), designed for intranasal administration of the neurotransmitter as an innovative Parkinson disease treatment, were already characterized in vitro in some extent by us (Trapani et al., 2018a and Cometa et al., 2020, respectively). Herein, to gain insight into the structure of SLN, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis was carried out and DA-SLN (SLN 1) were found to exhibit high amounts of the neurotransmitter on the surface, whereas the external side of Glycol Chitosan (GCS) containing SLN (SLN 2) possessed only few amounts. However, SLN 2 were characterized by the highest encapsulation DA efficiency (i.e., 81%). Furthermore, in view of intranasal administration, mucoadhesion tests in vitro were also conducted for SLN and Lip formulations, evidencing high muchoadesive effect exerted by SLN 2. Concerning ex-vivo studies, SLN and Lip were found to be safe for Olfactory Ensheathing Cells and fluorescent SLN 2 were taken up in a dose-dependent manner reaching the 100% of positive cells, while Lip 2 (chitosan-glutathione-coated) were internalised by 70% OECs with six-times more lipid concentration. Hence, SLN 2 formulation containing DA and GCS may constitute interesting formulations for further studies and promising dosage form for non-invasive nose-to-brain neurotransmitter delivery.
Keywords: Cytotoxicity; Dopamine; Liposomes; Olfactory Ensheathing cells; Solid lipid nanoparticles; Uptake; X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis.
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