X-ray films remain a key asset for high-resolution x-ray spectral imaging in high-energy-density experiments conducted at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). The soft x-ray Opacity Spectrometer (OpSpec) fielded at the NIF has an elliptically shaped crystal design that measures x rays in the 900-2100 eV range and currently uses an image plate as the detecting medium. However, Agfa D4 and D3sc x-ray films' higher spatial resolution provides increased spectral resolution to the data over the IP-TR image plates, driving the desire for regular use of x-ray film as a detecting medium. The calibration of Agfa D4 x-ray film for use in the OpSpec is communicated here. These calibration efforts are vital to the accuracy of the NIF opacity measurements and are conducted in a previously un-studied x-ray energy range under a new film development protocol required by NIF. The absolute response of Agfa D4 x-ray film from 705 to 4620 eV has been measured using the Nevada National Security Site Manson x-ray source. A broader range of energies was selected to compare results with previously published data. The measurements were taken using selected anodes, filters, and applied voltages to produce well-defined energy lines.