In diabetic kidney disease (DKD), podocyte depletion, and the subsequent migration of parietal epithelial cells (PECs) to the tuft, is a precursor to progressive glomerular damage, but the limitations of brightfield microscopy currently preclude direct pathological quantitation of these cells. Here we present an automated approach to podocyte and PEC detection developed using kidney sections from mouse model emulating DKD, stained first for Wilms' Tumor 1 (WT1) (podocyte and PEC marker) by immunofluorescence, then post-stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS). A generative adversarial network (GAN)-based pipeline was used to translate these PAS-stained sections into WT1-labeled IF images, enabling in silico label-free podocyte and PEC identification in brightfield images. Our method detected WT1-positive cells with high sensitivity/specificity (0.87/0.92). Additionally, our algorithm performed with a higher Cohen's kappa (0.85) than the average manual identification by three renal pathologists (0.78). We propose that this pipeline will enable accurate detection of WT1-positive cells in research applications.
Keywords: WT1-positive cell detection; deep learning; immunofluorescence; pix2pix GAN.