Objectives: To construct and evaluate a 64Cu production system that minimises the amount of costly 64Ni, radionuclidic impurities and nonradioactive metal contamination and maximises radiochemical and radionuclidic purity and molar activity; and to report analytical and quality control methods that can be used within typical PET radiochemistry production facilities to measure metal ion concentrations and radiometal molar activities.
Methods: Low volume was ensured by dissolving the irradiated nickel in a low volume of hydrochloric acid (<1 mL) using the concave gold target backing as a reaction vessel in a custom-built target holder. Removal of contaminating 55Co and nonradioactive trace metals was ensured by adding an intermediate hydrochloric acid concentration step during the conventional ion-exchange elution process. The radionuclidic purity of the product was determined by half-life measurements, gamma spectroscopy and ion radiochromatography. Trace metal contamination and molar activity were determined by ion chromatography.
Results and conclusions: On a small scale, suitable for preclinical research, the process produced typically 3.2 GBq 64Cu in 2 mL solution from 9.4 ± 2.1 mg nickel-64 electroplated onto a gold target backing. The product had high molar activity (121.5 GBq/µmol), was free of trace metal contamination detectable by ion chromatography and has been used for many preclinical and clinical PET imaging applications.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.