Systematic characterizations of adipose regulatory T (Treg) cell subsets and their phenotypes remain uncommon. Using single-cell ATAC-sequencing and paired single-cell RNA and T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing to map mouse adipose Treg cells, we identified CD73hiST2lo and CD73loST2hi subsets with distinct clonal expansion patterns. Analysis of TCR-sharing data implied a state transition between CD73hiST2lo and CD73loST2hi subsets. Mechanistically, we revealed that insulin signaling occurs through a HIF-1α-Med23-PPAR-γ axis to drive the transition of CD73hiST2lo into a CD73loST2hi adipose Treg cell subset. Treg cells deficient in insulin receptor, HIF-1α or Med23 have decreased PPAR-γ expression that in turn promotes accumulation of CD73hiST2lo adipose Treg cells and physiological adenosine production to activate beige fat biogenesis. We therefore unveiled a developmental trajectory of adipose Treg cells and its dependence on insulin signaling. Our findings have implications for understanding the dynamics of adipose Treg cell subsets in aged and obese contexts.
© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc.