Learning objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Describe surgical techniques associated with mastopexy and mastopexy augmentation. 2. Understand the evolution of mastopexy and augmentation mastopexy. 3. Address patient goals. 4. Achieve a favorable cosmetic outcome.
Summary: The surgical techniques associated with mastopexy and mastopexy augmentation have continued to evolve. Traditional mastopexy techniques have included periareolar, circumvertical, and inverted-T patterns; however, adjuncts to these have included the use of various surgical mesh materials, implants, and fat grafting. This evidence-based article reviews how the techniques of mastopexy and augmentation mastopexy have evolved to best address patient goals and provide a favorable cosmetic outcome.
Copyright © 2021 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.