Parity-Symmetry-Protected Multiphoton Bundle Emission

Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Aug 13;127(7):073602. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.073602.


We demonstrate symmetry protected multiphoton bundle emission in the cavity QED system under the ultrastrong coupling regime. Our proposal only enables the super-Rabi oscillations with periodic generation of even correlated photons in the cavity, which is realized by combining the laser driven flip of qubit and the symmetry conserved transitions induced by Rabi interaction with parity symmetry. Combined with dissipation, only 2n-photon bundle emissions are allowed, due to the almost perfect suppression of bundle emissions with odd correlated photons. Meanwhile, the corresponding purities are significantly enhanced by the parity symmetry. This work extends multiphoton bundle emission to the ultrastrong coupling regime, and offers the prospect of exploring symmetry-protected multiphoton physics.