The class of plant exudates that contain the phenol functionality, termed phenolics, is defined, surveyed, and characterized by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy and by solution-state 1H NMR spectroscopy. Materials in this group are identified by the phenolic 13C resonance (from the ipso carbon of ArOH) at δ 145-160 (δ 160-167 for ArOR). The resonance patterns define several subclasses based on the collective similarity of their 13C spectra, specifically, aloetics from the genus Aloe, guaiacs from the genus Guaiacum and other eurosid and conifer genera, xanthics from the genus Garcinia, and kinos from the genus Eucalyptus and many other genera. Phenolic exudates often are mixed with terpenoid materials (the building block of exudates known as resins) and carbohydrates (the building block of exudates known as gums) to form hybrid subgroups such as guaiac gums, guaiac resins, and kino resins. There are numerous phenolic exudates not affiliated with any of these groups, both as pure phenolics and as hybrids (phenolic resins, phenolic gum resins, and phenolic waxes).