Primary and first passage rabbit chondrocyte cultures synthesized a "free" form of hyaluronic acid (HA-f) previously characterized in rabbit cartilage. HA-f was isolated from the [3H] glcN/35SO4-labelled cell-associated-fraction (CAF) and from the culture medium by successive equilibrium centrifugations in Cs2SO4/CsCl/Cs2SO4 under low salt conditions. The culture medium HA-f appeared in the void volume of Sepharose CL-2B eluted with low salt, (0.5M sodium acetate), and was susceptible to digestion with Streptomyces hyaluronidase. HA-f aggregated purified rabbit cartilage proteoglycan monomer. These results indicated that HA-f probably subserves hyaluronic acid already complexed with proteoglycan monomer. Newly synthesized HA-f may be required for the continual formation of proteoglycan aggregates.