Background: The family Nymphalidae is the largest group of butterflies with high species richeness. Rhinopalpapolynice (Cramer, [1779]), a forest species, was discovered in the mid-stream of the Yuanjiang-Red River Valley of Yunnan Province for the first time, which represents the first record of the genus Rhinopalpa in China.
New information: The species R. polynice (Cramer, [1779]) is the first record of the genus Rhinopalpa from China. The specimen was collected in the mid-stream of the Yuanjiang-Red River Valley of Yunnan Province. The female genitalia are described for the first time.
Keywords: Rhinopalpa polynice; China; Yuanjiang-Red River Valley; forestry species; new record.
Qiu-Ju He, Wen Shi, Chen-Yang Li, Chuan-Hui Yi, Zhuo-Heng Jiang, Shao-Ji Hu, Hui-Hong Zhang.