We evaluated antibiotic activity against the intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii using an activated THP-1 cell model of infection. At clinically relevant concentrations, the intracellular bacterial load was reduced 300-fold by levofloxacin and finafloxacin, 40-fold by doxycycline, and 4-fold by ciprofloxacin and was unaffected by azithromycin. Acidification of the culture medium reduced antibiotic activity, with the exceptions of doxycycline (no change) and finafloxacin (slight improvement). This model may be used to select antibiotics to be evaluated in vivo.
Keywords: Coxiella; azithromycin; ciprofloxacin; doxycycline; finafloxacin; intracellular infection; levofloxacin.