Our purpose was to investigate the incidence of gliomas and neuronal-glial tumors, their outcome, and H3.3K27M, BRAFV600E, and IDH status in children within 1 year of age affected by CNS tumor. We collected 28 consecutive gliomas and mixed tumors. Immunohistochemistry and/or molecular analyses were performed on formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded specimens. 24 (86%) tumors were supratentorial. 15 (54%) tumors were astrocytomas (5 glioblastomas, 1 anaplastic astrocytoma, 1 pilocytic astrocytoma, 3 pilomixoid astrocytomas, 2 subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, 3 astrocytomas not otherwise specified (NOS)), 4 (14%) were anaplastic ependymomas, and 9 (32%) were mixed tumors (5 gangliogliomas, 2 gangliocytomas, 2 desmoplastic infantile gangliogliomas (DIGs)). Alive patients were: 4 (67%) affected by high-grade astrocytoma (mean follow-up 64 months), 4 (67%) affected by low-grade astrocytoma (mean follow-up 83 months), 2 (67%) affected by astrocytoma NOS (mean follow-up 60 months), 1 (25%) affected by anaplastic ependymoma (follow-up 12 months), and 9 (100%) affected by mixed tumors (mean follow-up 74 months). H3.3K27M and IDH were not-mutated in any tumor (100%). BRAFV600E mutation was documented in 6 (21%) tumors (4 gangliogliomas, 1 gangliocytoma, and 1 astrocytoma NOS resulted as anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma 8 years later). Gliomas and mixed tumors diagnosed within 1 year of age are morphologically heterogeneous. Moreover, analogously to those affecting older children, they are IDH1-2 and H3.3K27M (when located outside midline) not-mutated while BRAFV600E mutation is typical of gangliogliomas/gangliocytomas and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas. High-grade astrocytomas have a more favorable prognosis compared with the same lesions occurring later in life while ependymomas have a poorer outcome.