We have to distinguish between non-modifiable risk factors such as age, gender, heredity, (we cannot fight against these enemies), and modifiable risk factors (avoidable) such as hypertension, smoking, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Environmental factors, bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, and smoking are the basis of these risk factors. Cardiovascular disease due to these risk factors is clinically silent during a given period, then symptoms occur which can eventually lead to death. Nine risk factors explain the occurrence of 90 % of myocardial infarctions (MI), their correction avoid 80 % of MI. Despite the presence of several studies proving that secondary prevention reduces coronary mortality, the management of cardiovascular risk factors is not optimal.
Keywords: death; diabetes; diabète; dyslipidemia; dyslipidémies; décès; enemies; facteurs de risque; hypertension; hypertension artérielle; infarctus du myocarde; myocardial infarction; prévention secondaire; risk factors; secondary prevention; sedentary lifestyle; smoking; sédentarité; tabac.
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