A 9-year-old dog was presented with hematuria and urinary incontinence. Ultrasonography revealed multiple mobile echogenic ball-shaped structures without distal acoustic shadowing within the lumen. A cystocentesis was performed and a urinalysis of the urine revealed fungus. Candida albicans was identified using an additional urine culture. The patient was finally diagnosed with fungal cystitis with mobile fungal balls and managed with Itraconazole. Follow-up ultrasonography demonstrated the resolution of cystitis without fungal balls. Our findings suggest that fungal balls should be considered as a differential diagnosis when echogenic mobile ball-shaped structures are identified in the urinary bladder of a diabetic or immunocompromised patient.
Keywords: canine; fungal cystitis; round ball; sonography.
© 2021 American College of Veterinary Radiology.