Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma (MASC) is a rare malignant tumour of the salivary glands, with only few cases reported in the literature to date. Initial preoperative staging is crucial for all patients with an oral malignancy to visualize the tumour, detect lymph node or distant metastases and plan therapeutic interventions. In the case presented herein, radiological imaging revealed a tumour of the right hard palate with suspected positive contralateral lymph nodes. Therefore, local tumour resection comprising hemimaxillectomy and bilateral neck dissection was performed. The diagnosis of MASC was finally based on characteristic histopathological and immunohistochemical findings, such as S100 protein and mammaglobin positivity. The diagnosis of MASC may be challenging, as such findings lack specificity. To confirm the diagnosis, molecular genetic examinations may be performed to detect a highly specific ETV6-NTRK3 fusion gene. Depending on the results of these examinations, surgery, alone or combined with adjuvant radiation or chemoradiation, is the recommended approach. In summary, MASC should be treated similarly to other low-grade salivary gland tumours, such as acinic cell carcinoma, as they exhibit biological and histopathological similarities.
Keywords: cancer; head and neck; lymph node metastases; mammary analogue secretory carcinoma; neck dissection; oral cancer; oral cavity; salivary gland cancer.
Copyright: © Straub et al.