Chylothorax after esophagectomy is a relatively rare complication that can be difficult to manage. Here, we report a case of refractory chylothorax after surgery for esophageal cancer treated with lymphatic duct lipiodol imaging by inguinal lymph node puncture to confirm patency of the thoracic duct and thoracic duct ligation. A 71-year-old female with esophageal cancer(cT3N0M0)underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy with 2-field lymph node dissection, intrathoracic gastric tube reconstruction, and an enterostomy. A chylothorax appeared when we started enteral nutrition on the day after surgery. She became markedly dehydrated due to over 2,000 mL/day of drainage from the chest drain, and we managed her general condition in the ICU. We started octreotide acetate on postoperative day(POD)6 and etilefrine on POD 8, but neither was effective. Lymphatic duct lipiodol imaging by bilateral inguinal lymph node puncture was performed, and we confirmed leakage from the main thoracic duct. On POD 11, a thoracic duct ligation performed via a thoracotomy revealed that the volume of the chylothorax was remarkably decreased. The chest tube was removed on re-POD 12.