Phytophthora is one of the most important genera of plant pathogens, with many members causing high economic losses worldwide. To build robust molecular identification systems, it is very important to have information from well-authenticated specimens and, in preference, the ex-type specimens. The reference genomes of well-authenticated specimens form a critical foundation for genetics, biological research, and diagnostic applications. In this study, we describe four draft Phytophthora genome resources for the ex-type of Phytophthora citricola BL34 (P0716 WPC) (118 contigs for 50 Mb), and well-authenticated specimens of P. syringae BL57G (P10330 WPC) (591 contigs for 75 Mb), P. hibernalis BL41G (P3822 WPC) (404 contigs for 84 Mb), and P. nicotianae BL162 (P6303 WPC) (3,984 contigs for 108 Mb) generated with MinION long-read high-throughput sequencing technology (Oxford Nanopore Technologies). Using the quality reads, we assembled high-coverage genomes of P. citricola with 291× coverage and 16,662 annotated genes; P. nicotianae with 205× coverage and 29,271 annotated genes; P. syringae with 76× coverage and 23,331 annotated genes, and P. hibernalis with 42× coverage and 21,762 annotated genes. With the availability of genome sequences and their annotations, we predict that these draft genomes will be accommodating for various basic and applied research, including diagnostics to protect global agriculture.
Keywords: bioinformatics; oomycetes; pathogen detection.