We provide for the first time the complete plastid and mitochondrial genomes of a monoraphid diatom: Schizostauron trachyderma. The mitogenome is 41,957 bp in size and displays two group II introns in the cox1 gene. The 187,029 bp plastid genome features the typical quadripartite architecture of diatom genomes. It contains a group II intron in the petB gene that overlaps the large single-copy and the inverted repeat region. There is also a group IB4 intron encoding a putative LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease in the rnl gene. The multigene phylogenies conducted provide more evidence of the proximity between S. trachyderma and fistula-bearing species of biraphid diatoms.
Keywords: LAGLIDADG; biraphid; diatoms; genome; monoraphid; multigene; organellar; phylogeny.