White-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) is a neotropical mammal that plays a fundamental role in maintaining the integrity of tropical forest systems. However, due to hunting and deforestation the species is currently classified as vulnerable. As there are reports of difficulties in captive reproduction, it was proposed to use assisted reproduction techniques for later reintroduction into their natural habitat. Therefore, the objective was to describe the physical, chemical, morphological and functional characteristics of its semen. Sixteen adult male, white-lipped peccary, aged between three and seven years old, distributed in three groups, were used in this study. After physical and chemical retainment, semen was collected by electroejaculation from 16 individuals. It was evaluated by computer analysis (CASA). The mean values recorded were as follows: volume 0.5 ± 0.6 ml, pH 7.2 ± 0.3, sperm concentration 967.2 ± 947.3 × 106 spermatozoon/ml and total motility of 75.4 ± 16.2. The average sperm reactive to the hypo-osmotic test was 85.3% ± 21.0%, and 62.4% ± 43.9% of the cells presented intact membranes in the structural integrity test. Additionally, the semen showed milky consistency (80%), yellowish colour (40%) and sui generis odour (100%). The sperm parameters of the white-lipped peccary are within the desirable standards, allowing them to be considered as potentially fertile for the development of assisted reproduction techniques that may contribute to the conservation of the species.
Keywords: captive breeding; endangered species; wildlife management.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.