Quantum coherence is a useful resource for increasing the speed and decreasing the irreversibility of quantum dynamics. Because of this feature, coherence is used to enhance the performance of various quantum information processing devices beyond the limitations set by classical mechanics. However, when we consider thermodynamic processes, such as energy conversion in nanoscale devices, it is still unclear whether coherence provides similar advantages. Here we establish a universal framework, clarifying how coherence affects the speed and irreversibility in thermodynamic processes described by the Lindblad master equation, and give general rules for when coherence enhances or reduces the performance of thermodynamic devices. Our results show that a proper use of coherence enhances the heat current without increasing dissipation; i.e., coherence can reduce friction. In particular, if the amount of coherence is large enough, this friction becomes virtually zero, realizing a superconducting-like "dissipation-less" heat current. Since our framework clarifies a general relation among coherence, energy flow, and dissipation, it can be applied to many branches of science from quantum information theory to biology. As an application to energy science, we construct a quantum heat engine cycle that exceeds the power-efficiency trade-off bound on classical engines and effectively attains the Carnot efficiency with finite power in fast cycles.