Red cell deformability was found to be impaired in SS- and SC-genotype and to a lesser extent SA-genotype red blood cells as compared with those of AA-genotype. RA-233 in vitro improved deformability according to a bell-shaped dose-response curve. RA-233 also prevented experimental vasoocclusive crisis in Macaca arctoides. Deoxygenation of SS-genotype red cells resulted in sickle shape transformation, ATP depletion, potassium efflux, and attachment of hemoglobin molecules to the membrane. These changes were prevented by RA-233. Suspending SS-genotype red blood cells in potassium rich tris-buffer also prevented potassium efflux during deoxygenation and also decreased cellular deformability. RA-233 had no effect on osmotic fragility of SS-genotype red blood cells.