The term dysmyelopoietic syndrome (DMPS) covers a variety of closely related disorders with various etiological factors, and characterized by chronic (pan) cytopenias whose prognosis and treatment are still controversial. Despite the recent efforts to identify pathogens, effector cells and soluble cell products involved in the development of this syndrome only a few comprehensive experimental data are available, useful for elaboration of therapeutic regimens. We describe here a patient with DMPS who was refractory to inductive chemotherapy. Initial agar gel culture studies revealed the activity of hematopoiesis inhibitory T cells within the bone marrow that could be suppressed by prednisone both in vitro and in vivo. However another pathological cell features, the excess of an unusual lympho-reticular cell complexes was identified in long-term liquid cultures. These symbiotic cell complexes persisted throughout the disease, despite the prednisone induced hematological remission, suggesting their causative role in the disease, that more recently progressed towards acute myeloid leukemia.