When compared to man, the rabbit shows marked prolongation of the dilute whole blood clot lysis time and an attenuated increase in plasminogen activator (PA) after the infusion of desmopressin (DDAVP). The levels of specific components of the plasma fibrinolytic system of the rabbit were compared to those in human plasma to ascertain their role in the differences between species. PA activity and plasminogen levels were similar in the two species. Anti-plasmin and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) activity were lower in the rabbit than in man. The rabbit PAI, apparently similar to that described in man, was not increased by DDAVP infusion. The disparity between man and rabbit with respect to the lysis times of dilute blood clots and response to DDAVP cannot be explained by differences in functional plasma levels of inhibitors or activators of the fibrinolytic system.