Ear-worn devices are rapidly gaining popularity as they provide the means for measuring vital signals in an unobtrusive, 24/7 wearable and discrete fashion. Naturally, these devices are prone to motion artefacts when used in out-of-lab environments, various movements and activities cause relative movement between user's skin and the electrodes. Historically, these artefacts are seen as nuisance resulting in discarding the segments of signal wherever such artefacts are present. In this work, we make use of such artefacts to classify different daily activities that include sitting, speaking aloud, chewing and walking. To this end, multiple classification techniques are employed to identify these activities using 8 features calculated from the electrode and microphone signal embedded in a generic multimodal in-ear sensor. The results show an overall training accuracy of 93% and 90% and a testing accuracy of 85% and 80% when using a KNN and a 2-layer neural network respectively, thus providing a much needed, simple and reliable framework for real-life human activity classification.