Accuracy in positioning of dental X-ray images - A comparative study of a portable X-ray device and a wall-mounted device

Saudi Dent J. 2021 Dec;33(8):884-889. doi: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2021.09.018. Epub 2021 Sep 20.


Introduction: The benefits of portable dental X-ray devices remain controversially debated. This study aimed to compare the accuracy in positioning dental X-ray images using handheld (Nomad Pro 2) and wall-mounted (Heliodent Plus) X-ray devices.

Materials and methods: Radiographical imaging was exercised on a maxillofacial phantom using the handheld dental X-ray device Nomad Pro 2 (Kavo Kerr, Biberach, Germany) and the wall-mounted dental X-ray device Heliodent Plus (Sirona Dental Systems, Bensheim, Germany). Accuracy of device positioning (i.e., centeredness and perpendicularity) was measured as horizontal and vertical deviation (pixels and millimeters) from a centrally positioned crosshair. The reproducibility of the results was tested for 80 images per device and operator. IBM SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analyses.

Results: Centeredness of produced dental X-rays was significantly better for the wall-mounted device than for the handheld device in both deviation from the x-axis (p = 0.042) and y-axis (p = 0.020). The perpendicularity of the produced dental X-rays was significantly better for the handheld device than for the wall-mounted device for both horizontal (p < 0.001) and vertical (p < 0.001) plains.

Conclusions: Handheld dental X-ray devices appear to provide a high degree of accuracy in image positioning, especially in regard to proper perpendicular image angulation.

Keywords: Dental; Handheld device; Image accuracy; Radiology; X-ray.