The enzymatic degradation of blood clots, fibrinolysis, is an important part of a healthy hemostatic system. If intrinsic fibrinolysis is ineffective, thrombolysis - the clinically-induced enzymatic degradation of blood clots - may be necessary to treat life-threatening conditions. In this review we discuss recent models of fibrinolysis and thrombolysis, and open questions that could be resolved through modeling and modeling-experimental collaboration. In particular, we focus on 2- and 3-dimensional models that can be used to study effects of fibrin network structure and realistic blood vessel geometries on the phenomena underlying lytic outcomes. Significant open questions such as the role of clot contraction, network and inherent fiber tension, and fibrinolytic inhibitors in lysis could benefit from mathematical models aimed at understanding the underlying biological mechanisms.
Keywords: clot contraction; fiber tension; fibrinolysis; inhibitors; mathematical model; thrombolysis.