Sustainable phosphorus (P) management presents challenges in crop production and environmental protection; the current understanding of chemical P-fertilizer manufacturing, rock phosphate (RP) mining, P loss within supply chains, and strategies to mitigate loss is incomplete because of a fragmented understanding of P in the crop production supply chain. Therefore, we develop a knowledge-based management theoretical framework to analyze P supply chains to explore ways to mitigate China's P crisis. This framework connects upstream P industries and crop production, addressing knowledge gaps and stakeholder involvement. We demonstrate the potential to improve P use efficiency in the supply chain, thereby mitigating the P crisis using optimized P management. Our results showed that P footprint and grain production demand for RP can be reduced without yield penalty using a crop-demand-oriented P supply chain management that integrates P use in crop production, P-fertilizer manufacturing, and RP mining. Food security and P-related environment sustainability can be achieved by sharing responsibility and knowledge among stakeholders.
Keywords: Crop production; Food security; Phosphorus; Supply chain; Sustainable phosphorus management.
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