In fall 2019, California passed and signed into law SB328, the first US statewide legislation explicitly designed to protect adolescent sleep health by requiring most California public school districts to start no earlier than 8:00 AM for middle schools and 8:30 AM for high schools. Recognizing the unique opportunity presented by the bill's 3-year implementation period, a group of experts in adolescent sleep and school start times held a virtual summit on January 22-23, 2021 to (1) summarize the research on adolescent sleep and school start time change; (2) develop recommendations for relevant, refined, and innovative research areas and research questions; (3) provide input regarding research design, methodology, and implementation; and (4) offer a forum for networking, exchanging ideas, and establishing interdisciplinary research collaborations. Participants represented a multidisciplinary range of academic backgrounds including sleep and circadian biology, neuroscience, education, medicine, public health, mental health, safety, public policy, economics, implementation science, criminology, diversity studies, and science communication. This paper summarizes summit presentations regarding current knowledge on adolescent sleep health and school start times and key research recommendations from small group workshops on topics including research design and tools, methodological issues, sleep health disparities, logistical challenges in conducting school-based research, public-health impact, and novel and expanded approaches to research.
Keywords: Adolescent sleep; Delayed school start times; School districts; Summit research recommendations; United States.
Copyright © 2021 National Sleep Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.