COVID-19 cases are increasing around the globe with almost 5 million of deaths. We propose here a deep learning model capable of predicting the duration of the infection by means of information available at hospital admission. A total of 222 patients were enrolled in our observational study. Anagraphical and anamnestic data, COVID-19 signs and symptoms, COVID-19 therapy, hematochemical test results, and prior therapies administered to patients are used as predictors. A set of 55 features, all of which can be taken in the first hours of the patient's hospitalization, was considered. Different solutions were compared achieving the best performance with a sequential convolutional neural network-based model merged in an ensemble with two different meta-learners linked in cascade. We obtained a median absolute error of 2.7 days (IQR = 3.0) in predicting the duration of the infection; the error was equally distributed in the infection duration range. This tool could preemptively give an outlook of the COVID-19 patients' expected path and the associated hospitalization effort. The proposed solution could be viable in tackling the huge burden and the logistics complexity of hospitals or rehabilitation centers during the pandemic waves. With data taken ad admission, entering a PCA-based feature selection, a k-fold cross-validated CNN-based model was implemented. After external texting, a median absolute error of 2.7 days [IQR = 3 days].
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; COVID-19; Convolutional neural network; Duration of infection; Prognostic models; Rehabilitation.
© 2022. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering.