Phosphoinositides are a family of signaling lipids that play a profound role in regulating protein function at the membrane-cytosol interface of all cellular membranes. Underscoring their importance, mutations or alterations in phosphoinositide metabolizing enzymes lead to host of developmental, neurodegenerative, and metabolic disorders that are devastating for human health. In addition to lipid enzymes, phosphoinositide metabolism is regulated and controlled at membrane contact sites (MCS). Regions of close opposition typically between the ER and other cellular membranes, MCS are non-vesicular lipid transport portals that engage in extensive communication to influence organelle homeostasis. This review focuses on lipid transport, specifically phosphoinositide lipid transport and metabolism at MCS.
Keywords: Cholesterol; Extended-synaptotagmins; K(V)2; Lipid transfer; Membrane contact sites; OSBP; PI; PI(4)P; PI(4,5)P(2); Phosphoinositides; TMEM24.
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